Privileges are set in 2 different areas of the program to control access to features:
The override password is set in Preferences - Software. It's a code that is entered by a supervisor or manager to allow a cashier to perform special functions. The functions can each optionally be turned on or off and are set on the right-hand side of the Software preferences screen. You can choose to select Override price, Refunds, Discounts, Opening Cash Drawer, and Cash Register Options menu. If you select "Yes" for any of these, then the user will be prompted for the Override Password immediately.
Access levels to different parts of the application can be set up in Preferences - Admin Menu - Edit Passwords. The system has 5 different predefined access levels:
You can create user levels by click on the "+" sign in the bottom left, naming the access level, then checking check marks on the right to assign access privileges to that level. So a "Manager" would be a member of Manager, Assistant Manager, Supervisor, and Clerk. Where a Cashier level would only be a member of Clerk.
To set a password for an account level click on the "Edit..." button on the right and follow the onscreen instructions.
CAREFUL: Do not forget your Administrator password. It will require a company support representative to reset the password.
The application will ask you to login when it first opens, this will assign your access level until you change users. You can change users from the main screen by going up to the File menu and selecting Change Login...